The UK Government Home Affairs Committee estimates that between 100,000 and 800,000 people are trafficked into the EU each year. Men, women and children, some abducted and sold, some deceived that they have the opportunity to start a better life. They leave their home, family and friends hoping to escape hardship or persecution in their own country. Once they reach their destination their dreams quickly change to a living nightmare, as they have been sold as commodities into a life of slavery and abuse.



Can you imagine?

Many undergo physical violence, psychological torture, physical restraint in the form of locks and guards, drugging, and instilling fear through threats are just some of the ways that traffickers control their victims. 


If trafficked-women are rescued or manage to escape, it is often only the start of a long and difficult journey to freedom. Currently in the UK there is only provision for victims of human trafficking for 45 days following their release or rescue, after this time many are resettled into the community with minimal assistance. This can be an overwhelming period where many are left vulnerable, unable to cope on their own, many suffer serious depression, get into debt, some run away, and others resort to substance abuse or return to prostitution.


The Snowdrop Project is the first and only initiative in the UK that seeks to address this gap, by providing extended support to victims of human trafficking and helping to build new lives that are no longer defined by the past.


These facts and figures can make us feel overwhelmed by the scale and horror of the problem, but there are many organisations helping to fight human trafficking on all levels. As part of our 'STOP the Traffick!' campaign, we are donating 10% of all our website sales to support the Snowdrop Project. PLUS we have put together a collection of beautiful jewellery that supports different anti-trafficking charities. 


This campaign has now ended.